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  1. Believe in yourself

  2. Resilience

  3. Attitude

  4. Vibe

  5. Energy


Brave Kids 7 - 11 12 - 16

When asked “what is the main thing you want for your children?’’ Most parents reply happiness I just want them to be happy, but what is happy how do we define it? Well broadly speaking we are happy when our expectations are met. If a child’s expectations is to get top marks in maths and he does really well but doesn’t get top marks then his expectations haven’t been met and he will be unhappy, but if his expectation is to try his best and he does try his best, he will feel successful as his expectations were met so he is happy even if he didn’t top grades, but the likelihood is if he tried his best then he would get good grades. It’s not about lowering your standards but about being realistic and not judging ourselves on the outcome but enjoying the journey. Unfortunately society today puts a lot of pressure on young children from a very early age which can lead to parents losing their intuition on what is right for one child may not be right for another child, and that’s ok.

This programme has been developed to help parents to help their children lead a happy and healthy life, building real and stable self esteem and social confidence so that they have good coping skills and are resilience when the going gets tough, which of course it does for all us from time to time. As much as we want to protect our children from any external challenges we are much better to teach them how to feel in control and have good coping skills. We can’t control external factors or what other people do or say but we can always control our thoughts and responses, we just need to know how to do it and this programme will teach you how. Parents need to makes important decisions for their children because if they don’t make them then their child has to make them for themselves and that isn’t really fair. Children like boundaries and to feel safe, they really don’t like too much choice. Remember you are their parent not their pal and this will sometimes make you unpopular, this doesn’t mean you can’t have great fun and the best time with them, you absolutely can but you are in charge and if they don’t learn some boundaries at a young age you will have no hope when they are teenagers.


step by step easy to follow four week programme helping your children lead a happy and healthy life

  1. Resilience

  2. Attitude

  3. Vibe

  4. Energy