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MIND SPACE Will teach you how to..

  • let go of the past

  • Not worry and create problems that are not there

  • Build you confidence and self worth

  • Become more socially confident

  • Take responsibility for your health

  • Feel In control even when life feels out of control

  • Be happy and have more fun

Take control of your emotional health

I have worked as a full time therapist since 2003 starting off as a hypnotherapist which I found fascinating after I quit smoking using hypnosis, I then trained as a hypnoanalyst and worked as a Thrive consultant for eight years I am always doing new training to keep up to date and have now written my own programme called Mindspace which I use stand alone or with hypnosis and cognitive integration..

Mindspace gives you the understanding and knowledge so that you can control your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions and your life. By understanding how YOUR mind works, your stress levels, your habits, learned behaviour and personality traits you can make the changes you need to make to live a happy and healthy life. Mindspace is a cognitive conscious programme which is a stand alone programme or can be combined with hypnotherapy which helps to reprogram our neurological pathways and override old unhelpful ones.


MindSpace will help you over-come:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Low self esteem

  • Social anxiety

  • Depression

  • Compulsions

  • Addictions

  • Dependencies

For a free initial telephone consultation please contact vikki on 07989339191

Prices from £70