it’s never too late
As we age we change and that’s not good or bad it’s just a change, there are lots of positive attributes to getting older and wiser and I truly believe that our chronological age does not define us but our mobility, balance and strength is key to feeling younger. We have a spring in our step and walk taller, we can put our shoes on without sitting down, stand on one leg, run up and down stairs and get on and off the floor with ease…… but as we get older we need to work harder to maintain our ability to do the things we used to take for granted when we were younger, we may have health issues and injuries that we have to work around, but I know for a fact after working with thousands of clients that each and everyone of us can maintain a good level of strength and mobility well into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and I have lots of clients who are proof that with the right exercise they can absolutely continue to do most if not all of the things they did when they were younger and it’s never too late to start. One of my lovely clients Val didn’t start doing Pilates at Ruralspace until just before her 70th birthday, she had never done classes before just walking and gardening, she is now 78 years young and is incredible. Val has fantastic posture, easily gets on and off her mat and rarely misses a class, consistency is key to maintaining her fitness. Val just oozes a youthful energy and always has a smile on her face, she really is an inspiration to all of us, many of my much younger clients are in awe.
So if you would like some help and feel that you would benefit from having more strength, balance and mobility then get in touch for a free initial consultation so that we can discuss your specific needs.
Email or call Vikki on 01939 291988 or 07989339191.